Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ladyman not quite corrupt

"Thank you for the kind offer. No I couldn't possibly accept that. Did you know that I used to be transport minister? Yes I told people to drive less and everything. What a hoot."

DR STEVE LADYMAN, Labour MP for Thanet South, has been named in an investigation into whether MPs use the contacts they make in office for commercial gain:

The MP’s name was dragged into the row last year when he was criticised for appearing to promote the interests of a private firm to the Highways Agency.

Dr Ladyman had been subject to a lobbying ban after leaving his post but was still able to arrange meetings with officials for when it ended.

The report says that Dr Ladyman used his former role “as a way of introducing himself when lobbying” for a traffic information company. (KOS)

Dr Ladyman, who enjoys a mighty 664 majority, receives between £10-£15k a year from being an advisor to Itis Holdings Plc a company selling traffic information.

Dr Ladyman said: "I did nuffin' wrong guvnor"

MP Factoid (
  • Since 2001 he has voted moderately against a transparent Parliament